"Hey, Boo." - 4


The Boo Radleys of the world who stay in the background are easy prey for folks who like to invent stories that might account for that person's Boo-like behavior. Without naming names,do you know a person who is like Boo Radley, or are you familiar with a situation where someone was outcast unfairly without justification? Discuss this in two or three sentences.
E Cox Hr #1
3/20/2011 02:23:52 am

In the world of high school, there are many "Boo Radleys" who have succumbed to rumors and lies that other people have started. I know several people that have been victims to these crude statements. These stories that other people make up can have to do with what someone did on the weekend, all the way to what someone is wearing. Girls are especially cunning when it comes to making up lies about the "Boo Radleys", because some of them thrive off of creating drama. Being a girl, you are more prone to seeing the people that prey on"Boo Radleys" and the "Boo Radleys" themselves of the high school community.

C Hadley Hr #1
3/25/2011 08:28:36 am

"Boo Radleys", are everywhere that we look. Whether it be in highschool, television, or talk at the dinner table. Highschool is the time where popular is everything. Many people make up stories and rude statements about people just because. On television we see the stars that many look up to, but in the papers the press kill that stars image with fictional information or they twist the stars story to get a bigger response out of it. "Boo Radleys" are a very common thing, a thing that our world has become very accustomed to.

S Greninger Hour #1
3/26/2011 12:54:16 am

I know more than just a few 'Boo Radleys.' Usually, theses people- the innocent, quiet type- can become the main target for rumors because in most cases they will not stand up for themselves. They fall victim to being thrown into fictional stories and hurt by harsh statements for no apparent reason.

L Doner 4
3/26/2011 05:15:53 am

Just by sitting in class and hearing conversations of those around you, you can definitely pick out the 'Boo Radleys'. It's like a game of telephone the more a story is told the more warped it becomes. I feel many people have been a 'Boo Radley' at some point in there life and at the same time many people have been the one to twist the story.

A Johnson Hour 1
3/27/2011 06:40:49 am

A person's reputation can be formed so easily just by rumors. I can speak for most high school girls, when I say we have been guilty of doing this. When you hear a rumor, you build on it to bring the victim down. It doesn't even necessarily have to affect you, yet you take part because everyone else around you is doing it. Rumors are to blame for the unkind assumptions of others.

D Whitehead Hour 1
3/27/2011 07:20:26 am

In the world their are many 'Boo Radleys.' Many television shows and movies have Boo Radley characters. They are characterized by rumors and not by there own actions because people take advantage of these types of people.

K Newman Hour 4
3/27/2011 11:12:02 pm

In our society there are a bunch of high school students that could be classified as "Boo Radleys" because of the way that they are mis characterized and bullied. Other students who bully them do not take time to get to know them they just judge them as who they want them or see them to be!

J DuBuis Hour 1
3/27/2011 11:47:27 pm

There are many people in our society that get treated unfairly just because they are different. For instance, a lot of people that go to our school are a good example. People, especially young ones, think that just because you are different in any way- that you are to be considered "a freak." I don't think this is true at all and I think we all should be treated equally because we are all humans just trying to get through life one day at a time.

Simone Scott 1hr
3/27/2011 11:48:49 pm

There are many "Boo Radleys" that I know. There are people who don't stand up for themselves, and let other people put them down. Just because someone is different you shouldn't judge thePr

I Brumfield Hour 1
3/27/2011 11:48:57 pm

I think to an extent everyone is a " Boo Radley ". if you want to get to know someone, especially in high school, you hear stories about them that may or may not be true but youbase your judgement of that person over what you hear. This is really unfair to shy people because theyaren't in a position to defend themselves. The best way to deal with situations to this stature is to approach this person and have them open up to you directly, you shouldn't judge anyone for that matter unless you truly know them first hanPr

T Johnson hour 1
3/28/2011 12:12:57 am

I know quite a few "Boo Radleys" but one mainly sticks out to me. She is a outcast to most and often stays to herself. She reminds me exactly of a modern day "Boo Radley". %Pr

B DeMasters hour 1
3/28/2011 12:14:00 am

There are many "Boo Radley's" in the world. Many of which are in our high school. They are known as the "outcasts." For example, I know a couple of cases where false rumors have been spread around just because that person is not like the rest of us. The rumors can be started when someone acts different than others or has less friends. So people say things about them and make fun of thePr

Ashley Ingle 1st hour
3/28/2011 12:50:32 am

In high school you could say that there are many "Boo Radley's". They are known as the "outcasts" and they are falsely represented through rumors. Now, rumors can affect how people see others and even someone's confidence in themselves changing how they may act.

T Potter hour 4
3/28/2011 02:29:34 am

There are many "Boo Radley's" in the world. They are the ones in society that keep quiet and to themselves. They are well known as "outcasts" and some say that they don't belong. Many of these "Boo Radley's" are found in our high school. People are rude to them with no reason at all. They just believe that these certain people are different and most people don't like others being different.

K Stringer Hour #1
3/28/2011 02:29:37 am

There are many "Boo Radley's" that I know, that can be easily distinguished by the rumors that others have crudely cast upon them. These rumors can simply be brought about by the fact that these Boo Radley's or 'outcasts' are considered different from the rest of us, and because of the uniqueness of the person they are treated badly and have become victims to this unnecessary torment. My experience of Boo Radley's comes mostly from my every day high school life, but sadly it happens all throughout the world.

R Lyons 4
3/28/2011 03:33:33 am

Everywhere you look in the world their are "Boo Radley's". When someone is quiet, or just not popular, they can become victims of people who love to start rumors. And these people won't stand up for themselves so the rumors started about them usually stick.

C Moss Hour 4
3/28/2011 03:53:02 am

Yes, I do know people who are the "Boo Radley's" of this world. They are the ones classified as "weird" because of their behavior. They keep to themselves, don't really talk to others, and have an out of the ordinary nature. These "Boo Radley's" are accused of things they aren't necessarily guilty of. Everyone wonders because they don't know every aspect about these "Boo Radley's" that societies gab must know. From this wonderment comes accusations and judgment, and from that comes their classificatioPr

A Persson Hour 4
3/28/2011 04:32:41 am

It is very easy to be a "Boo Radley." Actually very many people in the world (and in my expirience, especially America) are considered to be a "Boo Radley", or be in that situation. I think this is because how judgemental of people we have become. To quote "we often critisize what we do not understand." Through high school (the hell it is already understood to be) I have seen people, have known people, and have personally been the person who is known as this sort of an outcast person.

D Patrick Hour 1
3/28/2011 04:37:29 am

There are lots of "Boo Radleys" in our world because, it becomes easy to outcast or judge what we don't know. I have seen people like "Boo" and have even been like him before. Everywhere you go there will be those people that just don't fit in or are judged.

C Mickus - 1
3/28/2011 04:56:59 am

'Boo Radleys' exist in our everyday lives. A lot of people criticize others on the way they dress, act, or whether they come from a wealthy family. These people often gang up on them, spreading rumors and lies, leaving the person with little self-esteem. 'Boo Radleys' are most prominent in highschool because the majority of people look down on self expression and focus on normality.

C Simmons 1
3/28/2011 05:12:39 am

There are many "Boo Radleys" in society. They're often mistaken for being insane or rude, but in reality, they are more comfortable alone. People often create rumors about "Boo Radleys" because they are an easy target for our society's gossip. They are misjudged because they do not blend into the normalcy of societPr

H Sparks 4
3/28/2011 05:57:47 am

In my opinion, there are many "Boo Radleys" in everyones lives. There are those that are judged just because they're not the same as everyone else. People like "Boo Radley" are very quiet and keep to themselves and mostly just don't fit iPr

A Lewis 1
3/28/2011 06:00:41 am

"Boo Radley" is one of those self quit kids that don't have many friends. Many people pick on them because they are different or so other people think. They aren't very outgoing or popular. "Boo Radleys" are more of an outcasPr

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